J-GLOBAL ID:200902050242006088   Reference number:89A0512835

In vitro multiplication of virus-free bulbs of lilies.

ウイルスフリー・ユリ球根のin vitroにおける増殖
Author (2):
Volume: 58  Issue:Page: 195-209  Publication year: Jun. 1989 
JST Material Number: F0626A  ISSN: 0013-7626  CODEN: EGKZA9  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Flowering plants(=ornamental plants)and flowering trees  ,  Reproduction 
Reference (27):
  • 1. ALLEN, T.C. 1980. Diagnosis of virus diseases of Lilies. Lily Yb., N. Amer. Lily Soc. 33: 41-43.
  • 2. 古川仁朗•佐々木弘康•坂本立弥. 1987. ユリの花器培養に関する研究 (第1報) 花器各部の培養と植物体の再生について. 園学要旨. 昭53春: 338-339.
  • 3. HACKETT, W. P. 1969. Aseptic multiplication of lily bulblets from bulb scales. Proc. Int. Plant Prop. Soc. 19: 105-108.
  • 4. 穂坂八郎•横井政人. 1959. ユリの鱗片繁殖に関する研究. 千葉大園芸学部学術報告. 7: 45-55.
  • 5. HOSOKI, T. 1975. Propagation of tropical plants by tissue culture. Ph. D. dissertation (University of Hawaii)
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