J-GLOBAL ID:200902075279733160   Reference number:88A0196142

Translocation and accumulation of materials in higher plants. Sources (biosynthesizing parts) and sinks (accumulating parts).

高等植物における物質の移動と蓄積 植物における物質の移動と蓄積 ソースとシンク
Author (1):
Volume: 26  Issue:Page: 191-198  Publication year: Mar. 1988 
JST Material Number: G0527A  ISSN: 0453-073X  CODEN: KASEAA  Document type: Article
Article type: 文献レビュー  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Cultivation of plants in general 
Reference (32):
  • 1) J.E. Dale & J.F. Sutcliffe: “Plant Physiology”, Vol.IX, ed. by F.C. Steward, Academic Press, 1986, p. 455
  • 2) J.S. Pate, P.J. Sharkey & C.A. Atkins: Plant Physiol., 59, 506 (1977).
  • 3) R.T. Giaquinta: Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol., 34, 347 (1983).
  • 4) J.H. Thorne: Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol., 36, 317 (1985).
  • 5) R.M. Rainbird, J.H. Thorne & R.W.F Hardey: Plant Fhysiol., 74, 329 (1984).
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