J-GLOBAL ID:200902075695137160   Reference number:81A0272520

茶樹の根群の発達と土壌保全機能 I 樹齢の推移に伴う茶樹の根群の発達と分布

Author (3):
Volume: 50  Issue:Page: 157-163  Publication year: Jun. 1981 
JST Material Number: G0811A  ISSN: 0011-1848  CODEN: NISAAJ  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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JST classification (2):
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Stimulant crops  ,  Plant morphology and anatomy 
Reference (9):
  • 1. DOLL, C. C. 1961. Apple tree root development in terraced loess soils. Pro. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 78:1-7.
  • 2.藤村次郎1933.果樹根系の文献的研究. 三重高農学術報告3:25-49.
  • 3. KARIZUMI, N. 1973. The mechanism and function of tree in the process of forest production. I. Method of investigation and estimation of root biomass. Bull. Gov. For. Exp. Sta. 259: 1-99.
  • 4. KARIZUMI, N. 1974. The mechanism and function of tree in the process of forest production. II. Root biomass and distribution in stands. Bull. Gov. For. Exp. Sta. 267: 1-88.
  • 5. KARIZUMI, N. 1976. The mechanism and function of tree in the process of forest production. III. Root density and absorptive structure. Bull. Gov. For. Exp. Sta. 285: 43-149.

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