J-GLOBAL ID:200902100495486148   Reference number:01A0777578

自己隠蔽尺度(Self-Concealment Scale)・刺激希求尺度・自覚的身体症状の関係

Author (1):
Volume: 40  Issue:Page: 115-121  Publication year: Jul. 15, 2001 
JST Material Number: L0057A  ISSN: 0387-7973  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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JST classification (2):
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Applied psychology  ,  Psychiatry in general 
Reference (28):
  • 朝倉隆司1991第3章働き方と健康習慣・心身の訴え東京都立労働研究所「壮年期男子の職業生活と健康に関する調査労働衛生研究No. 12. 」東京都立労働研究所
  • Caldwell, M.A. & Peplau, L.A. 1982 Sex differences in same-sex friendship. Sex Roles, 8, 721-732.
  • Franken, R.E., Gibson, K.J., & Mohan, P. 1990 Sensation seeking and disclosure to close and casual friends. Personality and Individual Differences, 11, 829-832.
  • Friedman, H.S. (ed.) 1990 Personality and Disease. John Wiley & Sons. (フリードマン編著手嶋秀毅・宮田正和監訳「性格と病気」1997創元社)
  • Friedman, H.S., & Booth-Kewley, S. 1987 The“disease-prone personality”: A meta-analytic view of the construct. American Psychologist, 42, 539-555.

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