J-GLOBAL ID:200902108803333480   Reference number:02A0333754

The rainbow vent fluids (36°14′N, MAR): The influence of ultramafic rocks and phase separation on trace metal content in Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal fluids.

レインボー熱水域(北緯36度14分,大西洋中央海嶺) 超苦鉄質岩と相分離が大西洋中央海嶺熱水中の微量金属含有量に及ぼす影響
Author (9):
Volume: 184  Issue: 1/2  Page: 37-48  Publication year: Mar. 15, 2002 
JST Material Number: A0081A  ISSN: 0009-2541  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Netherlands (NLD)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)
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Geochemistry of hydrosphere and biosphere 

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