J-GLOBAL ID:200902136918727680   Reference number:00A0120078

Mechanism for Phosphorylation-induced Activation of the Phagocyte NADPH Oxidase Protein p47phox. Triple replacement of serines 303, 304, and 328 with aspartates disrupts the SH3 domain-mediated intramolecular interaction in p47phox, thereby activating the oxidase.

食細胞NADPHオキシダーゼ蛋白質p47phoxの燐酸化で誘起される活性化の機構 p47phox内のセリン303,304及び328のアスパラギン酸による三重置換はSH3ドメインで仲介される分子内相互作用を破壊し,それによりオキシダーゼを活性化する
Author (4):
Volume: 274  Issue: 47  Page: 33644-33653  Publication year: Nov. 19, 1999 
JST Material Number: E0038A  ISSN: 0021-9258  CODEN: JBCHA3  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: United States (USA)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)
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Enzyme in general 

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