J-GLOBAL ID:200902137795615617   Reference number:00A0135040

Estimation of Soil Erosion Volume in the Nan Province, North Thailand using GIS-USLE.

Author (1):
Volume: 38  Issue:Page: 24-33  Publication year: 1999 
JST Material Number: G0203A  ISSN: 0285-5844  Document type: Article
Article type: 短報  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Photogrammetry,aerial photograph  ,  Soil management 
Reference (9):
  • 長澤良太. マルチファクターマップとUSLE手法を用いた土地資源管理,評価のための計画指向型土地分類. 環境情報科学論文集. 1999, 103-108
  • 上村健一郎. 広域土砂侵食危険度評価におけるUSLE適用上の問題点と対応策-GISによる広域侵食評価手法. 農水省農業環境技術研究所,総合的開発研究「貿易と環境」,II系第1回研究会資料. 1998, 26-7
  • MOORE, I. D. Physical basis of the length-slope factor in the Inversal Soil Loass Equation. Journal. 1986, 50, 1294-1298
  • MORGAN, R. P. C. Soil Erosion & Conservation. 1985, 298
  • SHRESTHA, R. P. Application of GIS for soil erpsion assessment:Pros and cons of USLE approache,case study of Uthaithani Province of Thailand. Discussion paper,Asian Technology of Thailand. 1995
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