J-GLOBAL ID:200902140560440209   Reference number:02A0693237


Author (4):
Volume: 22  Issue:Page: 579-582  Publication year: Aug. 20, 2002 
JST Material Number: Z0261B  ISSN: 0389-4703  Document type: Article
Article type: 短報  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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JST classification (2):
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Diseases of tooth and mouth(=oral cavity)  ,  Nervous system diseases 
Reference (22):
  • 青池勇雄. 人中, 中間顎, 鼻中隔欠損を伴える arhinencephalie の2例に就いて. 日整会誌. 1940, 14, 552-572
  • BEN-HUR, N. An unusual case of median cleft lip with orbital hypotelorism-a missing link in classification. CleftPalate J. 1978, 15, 365-368
  • DEMYER, W. The face predicts thebrain ; Diagnostic significance of median facial anomalies for holoprosencephaly (arhinencephaly). Pediatrics. 1964, 34, 256-263
  • 藤井春男. 口唇形成術を行った無嗅脳症の長期生存例. 日口外会誌. 1979, 25, 920-928
  • 古川雅司. 正中唇裂の9例. 形成外科. 1990, 33, 581-588
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