J-GLOBAL ID:200902161921999696   Reference number:95A0221477

The Relationship of Bite Force and Occlusal Contact Area to Craniofacial Morphology.

Author (1):
Volume: 69  Issue:Page: 98-103  Publication year: Jan. 1995 
JST Material Number: G0581A  ISSN: 0385-0102  CODEN: NISHB  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Clinical dentistry(= odontology)in general 
Reference (22):
  • RICKETTS, R. M. Cephalometric synthesis ; An exercise in station objectives and planning treatment with tracing of the head roentgenogram. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 1960, 46, 647-673
  • 広瀬浩三. 学童期における下顎前突者の顎顔面頭蓋形態と咀嚼筋活動様式に関する研究. 大阪大歯学誌. 1974, 19, 58-80
  • 塩野幸一. 幼児と成人の顎顔面の形態と咀嚼筋機能とに関する研究. 小児歯誌. 1978, 16, 535-543
  • MOLLER, E. The chewing apparatus. 1966, 151-189
  • AHLGREN, J. G. Muscle activity in normal and postnormal occlusion. Am. J. Orthod. Dentofacial Orthop. 1973, 64, 445-456
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