J-GLOBAL ID:200902178119624318   Reference number:01A0063816

HPSGにもとづく日本語文法について 実装に向けての精ち化・拡張

Author (3):
Volume:Issue:Page: 19-49  Publication year: Nov. 10, 2000 
JST Material Number: L3934A  ISSN: 1340-7619  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Mathematical linguistics  ,  Natural language processing 
Reference (18):
  • GRIMSHAW, J. Light Verbs and θ-Marking. Linguistic Inquiry. 1988, 19, 2, 205-232
  • GUNJI, T. Japanese Phrase Structure Grammar. 1987
  • 郡司隆男. 日本語句構造文法に基づく効率的な構文解析の研究. 平成5年度文部省科学研究費補助金(一般研究(B))研究成果報告書. 1994
  • GUNJI, T. On Lexicalist Treatments of Japanese Causatives. Levine and Green(1999). 1999, 119-160
  • GUNJI, T(Eds.). Topics in Constraint-Based Grammar of Japanese. 1998
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