J-GLOBAL ID:200902184780289797   Reference number:03A0127019

Genetic diversity of three Elymus species indigenous to Japan and East Asia(E. tsukushiensis, E. humidus and E. dahuricus) detected by AFLP.

Author (3):
Volume: 77  Issue:Page: 429-438  Publication year: Dec. 2002 
JST Material Number: F0386A  ISSN: 1341-7568  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)
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Plant taxonomy  ,  Wheats and barleys  ,  Evolution theory in general 
Reference (28):
  • Agafonov, A. V., Baum, B. R., Bailey, L. G., and Agafonova, O. V. (2001) Differentiation in the Elymus dahuricus complex (Poaceae): evidence from grain proteins, DNA, and crossability. Hereditas 135, 277-289.
  • Allaby, R. G., Banerjee, M., and Brown, T. A. (1999) Evolution of the high molecular weight glutenin loci of the A, B, D, and G genomes of wheat. Genome 42, 296-307.
  • Ban, T. (1997) Evaluation of resistance to Fusarium head blight in indigenous Japanese species of Agropyron (Elymus). Euphytica 97, 39-44.
  • Dewey, D. R. (1984) The genomic system of classification as a guide to intergeneric hybridization with the perennial Triticeae. In: Gene manipulation in plant improvement (ed.: J. P. Gustafson), pp. 209-279. Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York.
  • Felsenstein, J. (1995) PHYLIP version 3.57c. Distributed by the author. Department of Genetics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA.
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