J-GLOBAL ID:200902194578605097   Reference number:98A0527636

Effect of Seat-Floor vibration to the Sleepiness While Long Term Exposure of Interior Noise of a Small Diesel Truck. Effect of Seat Vibration Level to The Sleepiness.

小型ディーゼルトラック車内騒音長時間暴露時の眠気に及ぼすシート・フロア振動の影響 シート振動レベルが眠けに与える効果について
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Issue: 981  Page: 281-284  Publication year: May. 1998 
JST Material Number: S0434A  ISSN: 0919-1364  Document type: Proceedings
Article type: 短報  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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