J-GLOBAL ID:200902199927189065   Reference number:96A0810260

Creation of a novel protein-coding region at the RNA level in black pine chloroplasts: The pattern of RNA editing in the gymnosperm chloroplast is different from that in angiosperms.

クロマツ葉緑体のRNAレベルからの新しい蛋白質をコードする部位の生成 裸子植物葉緑体のRNAエディティングのパターンは被子植物のものとは異なる
Author (6):
Volume: 93  Issue: 16  Page: 8766-8770  Publication year: Aug. 06, 1996 
JST Material Number: D0387A  ISSN: 0027-8424  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: United States (USA)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)
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Gene expression 

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