J-GLOBAL ID:200902201228071843   Reference number:05A1032979

Geological complexes of Sanbosan area and limestones containing Triassic scleractinian corals in Kochi Prefecture, southwest Japan

Author (3):
Volume: 59  Issue:Page: 371-382  Publication year: Nov. 25, 2005 
JST Material Number: F0193A  ISSN: 0366-6611  CODEN: CKKAA8  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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JST classification (2):
JST classification
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Mesozoic  ,  Mesozoic 
Reference (39):
  • BAUMGARTNER, PB. Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous radiolarian biochronology of Tethys based on Unitary Association. Memories de Geologie (Lausanne). 1995, 23, 1013-1048
  • CUIF, J P. Arguments pour une relation phyletique entre les Madreporaires paleozoique et ceux du Trias. Implications systematiques de I'analyse microstructurale des Madreporaires triasiques. Mem Soc Geol. France. 1977, n. s, 56, 129, 1-54
  • EGUCHI, M. Mesozoic Hexacorals from Japan. Sci Rep Tohoku Univ. 1951, 2, 24: 1-96
  • FRECH, F. Die Korallen der Trias. 1. Die Korallen der juvavischen Triasprovinz (Zlambachschichten, Hallstatter Kalke, Rhaet). Palaeontographica. 1890, 37, 1-116
  • 平田茂留. 高知県産中生代化石. 1974, 68

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