J-GLOBAL ID:200902202101347544   Reference number:07A0066052

Determination of Lanthanoids in Hard Tissues of Shellfish by ICP-MS with Solvent Extraction

Author (4):
Volume: 56  Issue:Page: 47-50  Publication year: Jan. 05, 2007 
JST Material Number: F0008A  ISSN: 0525-1931  CODEN: BNSKAK  Document type: Article
Article type: 短報  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Physical analysis of elements in inorganic substances 
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Reference (22):
  • 1) P. Henderson: "Rare Earth Element Geochemistry", p. 33 (1984), (Elsevier, Amsterdam).
  • 2) 足立吟也: "希土類の科学", (1999), (化学同人).
  • 3) 加納 剛, 柳田博明: "レア・アース-その物性と応用", (1983), (技報堂).
  • 4) 原口紘旡, 久保田正明, 森田昌敏, 宮崎 章, 不破敬一郎, 古田直紀: "ICP発光分析法", p. 164 (1988), (共立出版).
  • 5) K. Igarashi, T. Akagi, F. Feng-Fu, S. Yabuki: Anal. Sci., 19, 441 (2003).

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