J-GLOBAL ID:200902204157198870   Reference number:05A0218320

Techniques and Research Trends in Record Linkage Studies

Author (4):
Volume: J88-D-1  Issue:Page: 576-589  Publication year: Mar. 01, 2005 
JST Material Number: S0757B  ISSN: 0915-1915  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Database systems  ,  Artificial intelligence 
Reference (67):
  • NEWCOMBE, H. B. Automatic linkage of vital records. Science. 1959, 130, 3381, 954-959
  • DUNN, H. L. Record Linkage. American J. Public Health. 1946, 36, 1412-1416
  • MARSHALL, J. T. Canada's national vital statistics index, population studies. 1947, 1, 2, 204-211
  • FELLEGI, I. P. A Theory for record linkage. J. American Statistical Association. 1969, 64, 328, 1183-1210
  • SARAWAGI, S. Interactive deduplication using active learning. Proc. 8th ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD2002). 2002, 269-278
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