J-GLOBAL ID:200902212408207826   Reference number:08A0994456

Iron chelation acutely stimulates fetal human intestinal cell production of IL-6 and VEGF while decreasing HGF: the roles of p38, ERK, and JNK MAPK signaling

イオンキレート化はIL-6とVEGFのヒト胎児腸細胞産生を急激に促進するが,その一方でHGFを減じる:p38, ERK,JNK MAPK情報伝達の役割
Author (9):
Volume: 292  Issue: 4,Pt.1  Page: G958-G963  Publication year: Apr. 2007 
JST Material Number: C0480A  ISSN: 0002-9513  CODEN: AJPHA  Document type: Article
Country of issue: United States (USA)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)

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