J-GLOBAL ID:200902213513916960   Reference number:06A0880660

-技師が書く技師のための読影講座-早期脳梗塞診断におけるDiffusion MRIの役割

Author (4):
Volume: 62  Issue: 10  Page: 1422-1427  Publication year: Oct. 20, 2006 
JST Material Number: F0884A  ISSN: 0369-4305  CODEN: NIPHAP  Document type: Article
Article type: 解説  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Neurologic diagnosis 
Reference (5):
  • 1) Toyoda K, Ida M, and Fukuda K: Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery intraarterial signal: an early sign of hyperacute cerebral ischemia. AJNR, 22 (6), 1021-1029, (2001).
  • 2) 青木茂樹 編著 : よくわかる脳MRI. p.165, 秀潤社, (1998).
  • 3) Pipe JG, Farthing VG, and Forbes KP: Multishot diffusion-weighted FSE using PROPELLER MRI. Magn Reson Med, 47 (1), 42-52, (2002).
  • 4) Committee established by the director of the NINDS: Classification of cerebrovascular diseases III. Stroke, 21 (4), 637-676, (1990).
  • 5) 木津 修, 山田 惠, 西村恒彦 : 頭部MRIの臨床的意義と課題. 画像診断, 25 (12), 1464-1470, (2005).

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