J-GLOBAL ID:200902215091865465   Reference number:08A0137529


Author (1):
Volume: 31  Issue:Page: 196-200  Publication year: Nov. 01, 2007 
JST Material Number: Y0032A  ISSN: 0285-0885  Document type: Article
Article type: 解説  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Reference (26):
  • 1) 岩村吉晃,体性感覚,豊田順一,熊田衛,小澤瀞司,福田康一郎,本間研一(編):標準生理学第 5版, 211-222,医学書院, (2000).
  • 2) Gandevia, S.C.: Kinesthesia: roles for afferent signals and motor commands, In: Rowell, B. L. and Shepherd, T. J. (Eds): Exercise: Regulation and Integration of Multiple Systems, 128-172, Oxford University Press, (1996).
  • 3) 小川哲郎:膝状体外側視覚系,田崎京二,小川哲郎(編):感覚の生理学新生理学大系 9, 151-181,医学書院, (1989).
  • 4) Donaldson, I.M.: The functions of the proprioceptors of the eye muscles, Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 355 (1404), 1685-1754, (2000).
  • 5) Drewing, K., Stenneken, P., Cole, J., Prinz, W. and Aschersleben, G.: Timing of bimanual movements and deafferentation: implications for the role of sensory movement effects, Exp Brain Res, 158(1), 50-57, (2004).
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