J-GLOBAL ID:200902217676030795   Reference number:07A0878478

Excitation Effect of Low Energy Electrons on High Temperature Oxidation of Corrosion Resistant Alloys in Low Pressure Oxygen and Role of Chromium

Author (2):
Volume: 58  Issue:Page: 543-549  Publication year: Sep. 01, 2007 
JST Material Number: G0441B  ISSN: 0915-1869  CODEN: HYGIEX  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Reference (19):
  • 1) K. Kiuchi and I. Ioka et al.; JAERI-Research, 2002-008 (2002) (in Japanese).
  • 2) Gensiryoku-anzen-kenkyukai ; Keisuiro-nenryou no furumai, (Gensiryoku-anzen-kenkyukai, 1998) (in Japanese).
  • 3) K. Kiuchi and I. Ioka et al.; JAERI-Research, 2006-023 (2006) (in Japanese).
  • 4) Univ. Tokyo ; H16 MEXT Kakusinnteki gennsiryoku sisutemu gijutukaihatu koubojigyou, Housyasen kannkyouka no tyourinnkaiatu mizukagaku ni kansuru gijutukaihatu seikahoukokusyo (Univ. Tokyo, 2005) (in Japanese).
  • 5) K. Kiuchi and H. Ogawa ; J. Surface Finish Soc. Jpn., 54, 942 (2003) (in Japanese).

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