J-GLOBAL ID:200902230007824626   Reference number:06A0274684

Monte Carlo Simulation of Water Radiolysis for Low-energy Charged Particles

Author (2):
Volume: 47  Issue:Page: 69-81 (J-STAGE)  Publication year: 2006 
JST Material Number: F0337A  ISSN: 0449-3060  CODEN: JRARAX  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)
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All keywords is available on JDreamIII(charged).
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JST classification (1):
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Radiation-chemical reactions 
Reference (63):
  • 1. Paretzke H. G. (1987) Radiation track structure theory, In Kinetics of Non-homogeneous Processes (G. R. Freeman, Ed.) Wiley, New York, pp 89-170.
  • 2. Mozumder, A. and Hatano, Y. (2004) Charged particle and photon interactions with matter: chemical, physicochemical, and biological consequences with applications. Marcel Dekker, New York.
  • 3. Nikjoo, H. and Uehara, S. (2004) Track structure studies of biological systems. In: Mozumder, A. and Hatano, Y. (eds) Charged particle and photon interactions with matter: chemical, physicochemical, and biological consequences with applications. pp. 491-531, Marcel Dekker, New York.
  • 4. Nikjoo, H., Goorley, T., Fulford, J., Takakura, K. and Ito, T. (2002) Quantitative analysis of the energetics of DNA damage. Radiat. Prot. Dosim. 99: 91-98.
  • 5. Uehara, S., Nikjoo, H. and Goodhead, D. T. (1993) Cross sections for water vapour for the Monte Carlo electron track structure code from 10 eV to the MeV region. Phys. Med. Biol. 38: 1841-1858.
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