J-GLOBAL ID:200902233616043168   Reference number:09A0444858

開咬を伴う変形性顎関節症に対しIndirect Bonded Splintを応用して顎間牽引療法を行った一症例

Author (7):
Volume: 21  Issue:Page: 1-4  Publication year: Apr. 20, 2009 
JST Material Number: L1684A  ISSN: 0915-3004  Document type: Article
Article type: 短報  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Treatment for diseases of tooth and mouth(=oral cavity)in general 
Reference (6):
  • 上村修三郎. 顎関節疾患に関するX線診断学的研究. 歯放. 1979, 19, 224-237
  • RICKETTS, RM. Clinical implications of the temporomandibular joint. Am J Orthod. 1966, 52, 416-439
  • 中筋幾子. Indirect Bonded Splint (IBS) を用いた顎間固定法の考案. 日顎誌. 2008, 20, 182-183
  • ARNETT, GW. Progressive mandibular retrusion-idiopathic condylar resorption, Part I. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 1996, 110, 8-15
  • 清水敏郎. 開咬と顎口腔系の機能異常. 開咬-その基礎と臨床. 1979, 227-233
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