J-GLOBAL ID:200902237931298650   Reference number:09A1160155

Distinguishing the origins of various amorphous materials in pseudotachylyte by transmission electron microscopy

Author (2):
Volume: 115  Issue: 10  Page: 503-511  Publication year: Oct. 15, 2009 
JST Material Number: F0528A  ISSN: 0016-7630  CODEN: CHTZA5  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Geological structure and tectonics 
Reference (54):
  • Allen, A. R., 1979, Mechanism of frictional fusion in fault zones. Jour. Struct. Geol., 1, 231-243.
  • Doremus, R. H., 1973, Glass Science. Wiley, 349p.
  • Fabbri, O., Lin, A. and Tokushige, H., 2000, Coeval formation of cataclasite and pseudotachylite in a Miocene forearc granodiorite, southern Kyusyu, Japan. Jour. Struct. Geol., 22, 1015-1025.
  • Fukuchi, T., 2003, Strong ferromagnetic resonance signal and magnetic susceptibility of the Nojima pseudotachylyte in Japan and their implication for coseismic electromagnetic changes. Jour. Geophys. Res., 108, B6, ETG, 14-1-14-8.
  • Holness, M. B., 2002, Spherulitic textures formed during crystallization of partially melted arkose, Rum, Scotland. Geol. Mag., 139, 651-663.

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