J-GLOBAL ID:200902237995998884   Reference number:09A0054601

Two Cases of Foreign Body Present in the Hypopharynx and Esophagus Removed by a Transcervical Approach

Author (9):
Volume: 102  Issue:Page: 63-66  Publication year: Jan. 01, 2009 
JST Material Number: G0710A  ISSN: 0032-6313  CODEN: JIBIA  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Surgical treatment for diseases of ear,nose,pharynx and larynx  ,  Surgical treatment for digestive system diseases 
Reference (7):
  • 小林芳枝. 縦隔洞膿瘍および頸部皮下気腫を併発せる魚骨食道異物症例, および当教室の食道異物症例の統計的観察. 日気管食道会報. 1978, 29, 35-40
  • 小川聡. 大動脈穿孔, 心タンポナーデを合併した魚骨による食道穿孔の一剖検例. 内科. 1975, 35, 858-861
  • 千々和秀記. 頸部外切開で摘出した咽頭食道異物症例の検討. 日気管食道会報. 2002, 53, 250-255
  • PALME, CE. Fish bones at the cricopharyngeus : a comparison of plain-film radiology and computed tomography. Laryngoscope. 1999, 109, 1955-1958
  • 梅原毅. 咽頭腔外魚骨異物の1症例. 神奈川医会誌. 2002, 29, 35
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