J-GLOBAL ID:200902249031868343   Reference number:06A1028709

CONSIDERATIONS ON PLAN OF COMMUNITY DESIGN FOR DEFENDING CHILDREN FROM THE CRIME Study on practice method of community design for crime prevention

Author (1):
Issue: 24  Page: 393-396  Publication year: Dec. 20, 2006 
JST Material Number: L4777A  ISSN: 1341-9463  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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JST classification (2):
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Development,redevelopment,and urban improvement  ,  Urban problems,urban disaster prevention 
Reference (7):
  • 安全・安心まちづくり研究会. 安全・安心まちづくりハンドブック. 1999, 38-77
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  • 鬼高小学校周辺地区防犯まちづくり検討委員会. 鬼高小学校周辺地区防犯まちづくりの提案. 2005
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  • 中村攻. 子どもはどこで犯罪にあっているか 犯罪空間の実情・要因・対策. 2000

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