J-GLOBAL ID:200902251416469088   Reference number:09A1271714

The left sided inferior vena cava (IVC) as an educational case study

Author (9):
Volume: 36  Issue:Page: 11-15 (WEB ONLY)  Publication year: Sep. 2009 
JST Material Number: U0005A  ISSN: 1347-1031  Document type: Article
Article type: 短報  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Cardiovascular system diseases  ,  Congenital diseases,deformities in general. 
Reference (25):
  • 1) Hoeltl W, Hruby W, Aharinejad S. Renal vein anatomy and its implications for retroperitoneal surgery. J Urol 1990; 143: 1108-14.
  • 2) 小久保宇,小山和行,大友邦,八代直文,板井悠二,飯尾正宏,他.下大静脈・左腎静脈奇形のCT.日本医放会誌 1988; 48: 10-6.
  • 3) Reis RH, Esenther G. Variations in the pattern of renal vessels and their relation to the type of posterior vena cava in man. Am J Anat 1959; 104: 295-318.
  • 4) Adachi B. Das Venensystem der Japaner. Lief,2, 199-266. Kyoto. 1940.
  • 5) Seib GA. The azygos system of veins in American whites and American negroes , including observations on the interior caval venous system. Am J Phys Anthrop 1934; 19: 39-163.
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