J-GLOBAL ID:200902254576690588   Reference number:05A0424750


Author (4):
Volume: 2005  Issue: 春季  Page: 65-68  Publication year: Apr. 22, 2005 
JST Material Number: Z0819A  Document type: Proceedings
Article type: 短報  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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JST classification (1):
JST classification
Category name(code) classified by JST.
Noise and vibration in general 
Reference (4):
  • (社) 日本騒音制御工学会. 平成15年度環境省請負業務結果報告書「低周波音対策検討調査」. 2004
  • INUKAI, Y. Acceptable limits and their percentiles for frequency noise in ordinary adults and complainants. Proc. of Low Frequency 2004, Maastricht. 2004, 129-138
  • 環境省環境管理局大気生活環境室. 低周波音問題対応の手引書. 2004
  • KAMIGAWARA, K. Publication of "Handbook to Deal with Low Frequency Noise (2004)". Proc. of Low Frequency 2004, Maastricht. 2004, 157-161

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