J-GLOBAL ID:200902254703192835   Reference number:09A0724126

Current State of Communication Support for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Patients and Development of Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) for P300 Event-Related Potentials

Author (4):
Volume: 47  Issue:Page: 190-198  Publication year: Apr. 10, 2009 
JST Material Number: S0531A  ISSN: 1347-443X  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Nervous system diseases  ,  Man-machine system 
Reference (30):
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  • CHISHIMA, M. Communication-assisted technology using event-related potentials : Possibility of using brain-computer interface (BCI) approach for patients with severe physical limitations. Proc of 4th Asia Pacific Occupational Therapy Congress (APOTC). Hong Kong, 2007. 2007
  • 千島亮. 骨伝導聴覚刺激によるP300応用意思伝達支援システムの開発と基礎検討. 日本作業療法学会抄録集, 第42回日本作業療法学会, 長崎, 2008. 2008
  • VIDAL, JJ. Toward direct brain-computer communication. Annu Rev Biophys Bioeng. 1973, 2, 157-180
  • MILLER, RG. The World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Neuromuscular Diseases. Consensus Guidelines for the Design and Implementation of Clinical Trials in ALS 2nd Airlie House Workshop 1998. 1998

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