J-GLOBAL ID:200902258868770022   Reference number:08A0541353

X-ray crystallographic and biochemical characterizations of a mutant photosystem II complex from Thermosynechococcus vulcanus with the psbTc gene inactivated by an insertion mutation

挿入突然変異により不活性化したpsbTc遺伝子をもつThermosynechoccus vulcanusからの突然変異体光化学系II複合体のX線結晶学的および生化学的特性評価
Author (6):
Volume: 15  Issue:Page: 304-307  Publication year: May. 2008 
JST Material Number: W0763A  ISSN: 0909-0495  Document type: Article
Article type: 短報  Country of issue: United States (USA)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)
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Crystal structure of natural organic compounds 

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