J-GLOBAL ID:200902259427336978   Reference number:07A0665324

Mathematical model to explain a regime shift in Lake Takkobu

釧路湿原達古武沼の自然再生に向けて 数理モデルによる達古武沼生態系のレジームシフトの解析
Author (2):
Volume: 68  Issue:Page: 187-194  Publication year: May. 31, 2007 
JST Material Number: G0180A  ISSN: 0021-5104  CODEN: RIZAA  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Ecology in general 
Reference (14):
  • Carpenter S. R. (2003): Regime Shifts in Lake Ecosystems: Pattern and Variation. Volume 15 in the Excellence in Ecology Series, Ecology Institute, Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany.
  • Folke, C., S. R. Carpenter, B. Walker, M. Scheffer, T. Elmqvist, L. Gunderson and C. S. Holling (2004): Regime shifts, resilience, and biodiversity in ecosystem management. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 35: 557-581.
  • Genkai-Kato, M. and S. R. Carpenter (2005): Eutrophication due to phosphorus recycling in relation to lake morphometry, temperature, and macrophytes. Ecology, 86: 210-219.
  • Higashi, M. and H. Nakajima (1995): Indirect effects in ecological interaction networks I. The chain rule approach. Mathematical Biosciences, 130: 99-128.
  • Higashi, M. and B. C. Patten (1989): Dominance of indirect causality in ecosystems. American Naturalist, 133: 288-302.

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