J-GLOBAL ID:200902260006777566   Reference number:03A0622403

Invasion of Corbicula fluminea into the Lake Biwa-Yodo River System

Author (2):
Volume: 62  Issue: 1/2  Page: 65-70  Publication year: Jun. 30, 2003 
JST Material Number: L0952A  ISSN: 1348-2955  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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JST classification (2):
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Fisheries animals other than fishes  ,  Interaction between dissimilar organisms 
Reference (15):
  • 朝比奈英三. 北海道に於ける蜆の生態学的研究. 日本水産学会誌. 1941, 10, 143-152
  • BALCOM, N. C. Aquatic immigrants of the Northeast, No.4 : Asian clam. Corbicula fluminea. Sea Grant Nonindigenous Species Site -DUTREACH. 1994
  • BRITTON, J. C. Polymorphism in Corbicula fluminea (Bivalvia : Corbiculidae) from North America. Malacogical Review. 1986, 19, 1-43
  • 古川優. セタシジミの生態学的研究-III. 日本水産学会誌. 1953, 19, 91-94
  • 波部忠重. 世界原色貝類図鑑 (1). 1965

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