J-GLOBAL ID:200902288501591608   Reference number:06A0483517

Exploitation of the serpentine leafminer Liriomyza trifolii and tomato leafminer L. bryoniae (Diptera: Agromyzidae) by the parasitoid Gronotoma micromorpha (Hymenoptera: Eucoilidae)

捕食寄生虫Gronotoma micromorpha(膜翅目:ツヤヤドリタマバチ科)による蛇行性ハモグリムシLiriomyza trifoliiとトマトハモグリムシL.bryoniae(双翅目:ハモグバエ科)の搾取
Author (1):
Volume: 103  Issue:Page: 55-59  Publication year: Jan. 30, 2006 
JST Material Number: W1575A  ISSN: 1210-5759  Document type: Article
Country of issue: Czech Republic (CZE)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)
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