J-GLOBAL ID:200902290355990737   Reference number:09A1273686


Author (1):
Volume: 55  Issue: Suppl.2  Page: S129-S141  Publication year: Nov. 20, 2009 
JST Material Number: S0739B  ISSN: 0447-7227  Document type: Article
Article type: 文献レビュー  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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JST classification (2):
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Nervous system diseases  ,  Digestive system diseases 
Reference (47):
  • 廣瀬 肇: 粘り強気人wallenberg. 私家版 古典あれこれ.150-159頁, 東京医学社, 東京, 2005.
  • Wallenberg A Acute Bulbaraffection ( Embolie der Atr. Post. Inf. Sinistr.?) Arch Psychiat Nervenkr 27: 504-540, 1895.
  • Wallenberg A: Anatomisher Befund in Einem als “acute Bulbãraffection”(Embolie der Art. Cerebellar post. Inf. Sinistr.?) beschriebenen Falle. Arch Psychiat Nervenkr 34: 923-959, 1901.
  • Verschluss der Arteria cerebelli inferior posterior dextra (mit Sektionbefund). Deutsche Zschr f Nervenheilk 73: 189-212, 1922.
  • 豊倉康夫: Gaspard Vieussex (1810, 1817) と中田瑞穂によるWallenberg症候群の自己体験記. 神経内科2: 75-86, 1975.
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