J-GLOBAL ID:200902291480161854   Reference number:09A1062187

Mud diapirs and associated intrusion structures in the Miocene Tanabe Group

Author (3):
Volume: 115  Issue:Page: 470-482  Publication year: Sep. 15, 2009 
JST Material Number: F0528A  ISSN: 0016-7630  CODEN: CHTZA5  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Geological structure and tectonics 
Reference (36):
  • Akhmanov, G. G. and Woodside, J. M., 1998, mud volcanic samples in the content of the Mediterranean Ridge Mud Diapiric Belt. In Robertson, A.H.F., Emeis, K.-C., Richter, C. and Camerlenghi, A., eds., Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 160: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 597-605.
  • 姉川学利・宮田雄一郎(Anegawa, T. and Miyata, Y.), 2001, 未固結砂泥互層における流体の移動過程.地質雑(Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan), 107, 270-282.
  • 芦 寿一郎・森田澄人・清川昌一・月岡 哲(Ashi, J., Morita, S., Kiyokawa, S. and Tsukioka, S.), 2007, 泥火山の微細構造と発達過程 -深海巡航探査機「うらしま」による熊野トラフ海底調査-, 日本地質学会第114年学術大会講演要旨(Ann. Meet. Geol. Soc. Japan, abstract), 99.
  • Baba, K. and Yamada, Y., 2004, BSRs and associated reflections as an indicator of gas hydrate and free gas accumulation: An example of accretionary prism and forearc basin system along the Nankai Trough, off Central Japan. Resource Geology, 54, 11-24
  • Barber, A. J., Tjokrosapoetro, S. and Charlton, T. R., 1986, Mud volcanoes, shale diapirs, wrench faults, and melanges in accretionary complex, eastern Indonesia. A. A. P. G. Bull., 70, 1729-1741.
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