J-GLOBAL ID:200902292298260797   Reference number:07A0874269

認知症の脳形態・機能画像 認知症のNIRS(近赤外分光法)による評価

Author (2):
Volume: 18  Issue:Page: 861-867  Publication year: Aug. 20, 2007 
JST Material Number: L1147A  ISSN: 0915-6305  Document type: Article
Article type: 解説  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Neurologic diagnosis 
Reference (30):
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  • Dougall N, Nobili F, Ebmeier KP: Predicting the accuracy of a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease with 99mTc HMPAO single photon emission computed tomography. Psychiatry Res, 131: 157-168(2004).
  • Fallgatter AJ, Roesler M, Sitzmann L, Heidrich A, et al.: Loss of functional hemispheric asymmetry in Alzheimer’s dementia assessed with near-infrared spectroscopy. Cogn Brain Res, 6: 67-72(1997).

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