J-GLOBAL ID:200903007526954173


Applicant, Patent owner:
Agent (1): 清水 初志
Gazette classification:公表公報
Application number (International application number):1995510823
Publication number (International publication number):1997504608
Application date: Sep. 28, 1994
Publication date: May. 06, 1997
Claim (excerpt):
IPC (8):
G01N 33/50 ,  G01N 27/416 ,  G01N 33/48 ,  G01N 33/483 ,  G01N 33/49 ,  G01N 33/493 ,  G01N 33/52 ,  G01N 33/84
FI (10):
G01N 33/50 L ,  G01N 33/48 D ,  G01N 33/483 E ,  G01N 33/483 C ,  G01N 33/49 Z ,  G01N 33/49 Y ,  G01N 33/493 A ,  G01N 33/52 B ,  G01N 33/84 Z ,  G01N 27/46 341 M
Patent cited by the Patent:
Cited by examiner (5)
  • 特開昭63-177059
  • 特開昭62-157554
  • 特開昭62-090538
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