J-GLOBAL ID:200903012298956180


Applicant, Patent owner:
Agent (1): 大島 由美子
Gazette classification:公開公報
Application number (International application number):2001114023
Publication number (International publication number):2002309074
Application date: Apr. 12, 2001
Publication date: Oct. 23, 2002
Claim (excerpt):
IPC (5):
C08L 67/04 ZBP ,  C08J 5/00 CFD ,  C08K 3/00 ,  C08L 67/04 ,  C08L 67:02
FI (5):
C08L 67/04 ZBP ,  C08J 5/00 CFD ,  C08K 3/00 ,  C08L 67/04 ,  C08L 67:02
F-Term (31):
4F071AA14 ,  4F071AA43 ,  4F071AA44 ,  4F071AA71 ,  4F071AA84 ,  4F071AA86 ,  4F071AB21 ,  4F071AB26 ,  4F071AC12 ,  4F071AE04 ,  4F071BB03 ,  4F071BB05 ,  4F071BC01 ,  4J002AE032 ,  4J002BB002 ,  4J002CF032 ,  4J002CF181 ,  4J002DE146 ,  4J002DE236 ,  4J002DJ016 ,  4J002DJ036 ,  4J002DJ046 ,  4J002DL006 ,  4J002EP026 ,  4J002FA046 ,  4J002FB096 ,  4J002FB166 ,  4J002FB236 ,  4J002FB256 ,  4J002FD026 ,  4J002FD206
Patent cited by the Patent:
Cited by applicant (3) Cited by examiner (3)

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