J-GLOBAL ID:200903017536692555


Applicant, Patent owner:
Agent (2): 山田 行一 ,  野田 雅一
Gazette classification:公表公報
Application number (International application number):2003583444
Publication number (International publication number):2005530727
Application date: Apr. 09, 2002
Publication date: Oct. 13, 2005
Claim (excerpt):
IPC (5):
A61K35/78 ,  A61K31/7048 ,  A61P17/00 ,  A61P29/00 ,  A61P37/02
FI (7):
A61K35/78 R ,  A61K35/78 C ,  A61K35/78 G ,  A61K31/7048 ,  A61P17/00 ,  A61P29/00 101 ,  A61P37/02
F-Term (38):
4C086AA01 ,  4C086AA02 ,  4C086EA07 ,  4C086MA03 ,  4C086MA04 ,  4C086MA16 ,  4C086MA35 ,  4C086MA37 ,  4C086NA05 ,  4C086NA06 ,  4C086ZA81 ,  4C086ZA89 ,  4C086ZB07 ,  4C086ZB15 ,  4C088AB12 ,  4C088AB48 ,  4C088AB63 ,  4C088BA10 ,  4C088BA11 ,  4C088BA14 ,  4C088CA01 ,  4C088CA05 ,  4C088CA06 ,  4C088CA11 ,  4C088CA13 ,  4C088CA14 ,  4C088MA07 ,  4C088MA08 ,  4C088MA16 ,  4C088MA35 ,  4C088MA37 ,  4C088MA41 ,  4C088NA05 ,  4C088NA06 ,  4C088ZA81 ,  4C088ZA89 ,  4C088ZB07 ,  4C088ZB15
Patent cited by the Patent:
Cited by applicant (3) Cited by examiner (3)
Article cited by the Patent:
Cited by applicant (2)
  • 天然薬物事典, 1986, p.188左欄「地骨皮」の項
  • 現代医療と漢方薬, 1988, P.34-36
Cited by examiner (2)
  • 天然薬物事典, 1986, p.188左欄「地骨皮」の項
  • 現代医療と漢方薬, 1988, P.34-36

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