J-GLOBAL ID:200903064822784201


Applicant, Patent owner:
Agent (2): 清水 初志 ,  新見 浩一
Gazette classification:公開公報
Application number (International application number):2007174732
Publication number (International publication number):2008013566
Application date: Jul. 03, 2007
Publication date: Jan. 24, 2008
Claim (excerpt):
IPC (4):
C07K 16/18 ,  C12N 5/10 ,  G01N 33/53 ,  G01N 33/577
FI (4):
C07K16/18 ,  C12N5/00 B ,  G01N33/53 D ,  G01N33/577 A
F-Term (27):
4B064AG27 ,  4B064CA10 ,  4B064CA20 ,  4B064CC24 ,  4B064DA01 ,  4B064DA13 ,  4B065AA90X ,  4B065AA90Y ,  4B065AB01 ,  4B065AB02 ,  4B065AC14 ,  4B065BA01 ,  4B065BA08 ,  4B065CA24 ,  4B065CA25 ,  4B065CA44 ,  4B065CA46 ,  4H045AA11 ,  4H045AA20 ,  4H045AA30 ,  4H045BA10 ,  4H045CA40 ,  4H045DA75 ,  4H045DA76 ,  4H045EA20 ,  4H045EA50 ,  4H045FA74
Patent cited by the Patent:
Cited by examiner (1)
Article cited by the Patent:
Cited by examiner (5)
  • FEBS Letters, 1996, Vol.384, p.25-30
  • Acta Neuropathol, 1999, Vol.97, p.221-230
  • Product Name: Anti-phospho-Tau (pSer422) antibody produced in rabbit, affinity isolated antibody, bu
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