J-GLOBAL ID:200903078037357051


Applicant, Patent owner:
Agent (2): 吉井 剛 ,  吉井 雅栄
Gazette classification:公開公報
Application number (International application number):2008332654
Publication number (International publication number):2009279578
Application date: Dec. 26, 2008
Publication date: Dec. 03, 2009
Claim (excerpt):
IPC (6):
B01J 20/20 ,  B01J 20/24 ,  C02F 1/28 ,  C01B 31/02 ,  C09K 3/32 ,  E02B 15/10
FI (8):
B01J20/20 A ,  B01J20/24 C ,  C02F1/28 N ,  C01B31/02 101B ,  C09K3/32 K ,  E02B15/10 B ,  C09K3/32 X ,  C09K3/32 V
F-Term (26):
2D025BA36 ,  4D624AA05 ,  4D624AB06 ,  4D624BA02 ,  4D624BA19 ,  4D624BB01 ,  4D624BC01 ,  4G066AA04B ,  4G066AC07A ,  4G066AC07B ,  4G066BA12 ,  4G066CA05 ,  4G066DA08 ,  4G066DA09 ,  4G066FA37 ,  4G146AA01 ,  4G146AB01 ,  4G146AC04B ,  4G146AC07B ,  4G146AC30A ,  4G146AC30B ,  4G146AD33 ,  4G146BA31 ,  4G146BA32 ,  4G146BC03 ,  4G146BC14
Patent cited by the Patent:
Cited by applicant (10)
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Cited by examiner (10)
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