J-GLOBAL ID:200903080134554621


Applicant, Patent owner:
Agent (1): 奥原 康司
Gazette classification:公開公報
Application number (International application number):2006132662
Publication number (International publication number):2007300857
Application date: May. 11, 2006
Publication date: Nov. 22, 2007
Claim (excerpt):
IPC (4):
C12N 15/09 ,  C12N 1/15 ,  C12N 1/19 ,  C12N 5/10
FI (4):
C12N15/00 A ,  C12N1/15 ,  C12N1/19 ,  C12N5/00 A
F-Term (26):
4B024AA20 ,  4B024CA01 ,  4B024CA09 ,  4B024CA11 ,  4B024CA20 ,  4B024DA01 ,  4B024DA02 ,  4B024DA11 ,  4B024EA04 ,  4B024FA11 ,  4B024GA11 ,  4B024HA11 ,  4B065AA57 ,  4B065AA57X ,  4B065AA60 ,  4B065AA60X ,  4B065AA89 ,  4B065AA89X ,  4B065AA90 ,  4B065AA90X ,  4B065AA90Y ,  4B065AB01 ,  4B065AC20 ,  4B065BA01 ,  4B065CA44 ,  4B065CA53
Patent cited by the Patent:
Cited by applicant (3)
  • WO02/52026
  • 相同組換えを行わせる方法
    Gazette classification:公開公報   Application number:特願2004-052952   Applicant:独立行政法人科学技術振興機構
  • WO2005/083090
Cited by examiner (1)

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