J-GLOBAL ID:200903098180986338

繊 維

Applicant, Patent owner:
Gazette classification:公開公報
Application number (International application number):1997225781
Publication number (International publication number):1999061652
Application date: Aug. 07, 1997
Publication date: Mar. 05, 1999
Claim (excerpt):
IPC (6):
D06M 15/643 ,  C08L 83/04 ,  C09D183/04 ,  D06M 11/46 ,  D06M 15/356 ,  A41D 31/00 501
FI (6):
D06M 15/643 ,  C08L 83/04 ,  C09D183/04 ,  A41D 31/00 501 Z ,  D06M 15/21 A ,  D06M 11/12
Patent cited by the Patent:
Cited by applicant (1)
  • 屋外用シート製品
    Gazette classification:公開公報   Application number:特願平8-137831   Applicant:東陶機器株式会社
Cited by examiner (5)
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