J-GLOBAL ID:200909003049561055   JST material number (FULL):F0340AAW   JST material number:F0340A

Report. Geological Survey of Japan

JST material number:
JST material number
Identifier of Material (journals)
ISSN (1): 0366-5542
Material type:Article, Print, ir
Publication frequency: ir
Country of issued:Japan(JPN)
Language (2): Japanese(JA) ,  English(EN)
JST classification  (2): 地質学 (DE) ,  地球化学 (DD)
Publisher: 工業技術院地質調査所
Publication place:つくば
Conference name  (2):
  • International Forum for Natural Hazards Mapping, Tsukuba, 19930622 - 19930625
  • International Centennial Symposium of the Geological Survey of Japan, 19821201 -
Successor material name  (1):
  • 地質調査研究報告
JST library information (0)

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