J-GLOBAL ID:200909028884511061   JST material number (FULL):L4312AAL   JST material number:L4312A

International Society for Heart Research Annual Meeting of the Japanese Section. Program and Abstracts

JST material number:
JST material number
Identifier of Material (journals)
Material type:Proceedings, Print, a
Publication frequency: a
Country of issued:Japan(JPN)
Language (1): English(EN)
JST classification  (2): 循環系の臨床医学 (GJ) ,  動物学 (EJ)
Publisher: 国際心臓研究学会日本部会
Publication place:東京
JST library information (12)
  • 31st():2014   Available
  • 30th():2013   Available
  • 29th():2012   Available
  • 28th():2011   Available
  • 26th():2009   Available
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