J-GLOBAL ID:200909035003137401   JST material number (FULL):D0273DAS   JST material number:D0273D

Geotextiles and Geomembranes

JST material number:
JST material number
Identifier of Material (journals)
ISSN (1): 0266-1144
Material type:Article, Meta Only, 6a
Publication frequency: 6a
Country of issued:Netherlands(NLD)
Language (1): English(EN)
JST classification  (1): 土木工学 (RC)
Publisher: Elsevier
Publication place:*
Conference name  (4):
  • International Symposium on Earth Reinforcement, 5th, Fukuoka, 20071114 - 20071116
  • International Symposium on Tsunami Reconstruction with Geosynthetics-Protection, Mitigation and Rehabilitation of Coastal and Waterway Erosion, Bangkok, 20051201 -
  • International Conference on Geosynthetics, 6th, Atlanta, Ga, 19980101 -
  • GRI Conference on Geosynthetics in Infrastructure Enhancement and Remediation, 9th, Drexel, Pa., 19951212 - 19951213
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