J-GLOBAL ID:200909060776223476   JST material number (FULL):W0184AAP   JST material number:W0184A

Animal Feed Science and Technology

JST material number:
JST material number
Identifier of Material (journals)
ISSN (1): 0377-8401
Material type:Article, Meta Only, 12a
Publication frequency: 12a
Country of issued:Netherlands(NLD)
Language (1): English(EN)
JST classification  (2): 動物の飼養 (FD) ,  植物の栽培 (FC)
Publisher: Elsevier
Publication place:*
Conference name  (5):
  • Papers Presented at a Session of the Pig Commission of the European Association of Animal Production at the Occasion of the Annual Meeting, 50th, Saint-Gilles, 19990823 - 19990826
  • Conference on Polyphenolics in Tropical Ruminant Production, Bulawayo, 19991011 - 19991014
  • Nutrition Conference for Feed Manufacturers, 29th, Guelph, 19930420 - 19930421
  • Rhone-Poulenc Animal Nutrition Symposium
  • Workshop (on) Cell Walls, Nantes, 19890701 -
JST library information (0)

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