J-GLOBAL ID:200909063241017930   JST material number (FULL):B0289BAD   JST material number:B0289B

Basic Life Sciences

JST material number:
JST material number
Identifier of Material (journals)
Material type:Proceedings, Print, ba
Publication frequency: ba
Country of issued:United States(USA)
Language (1): English(EN)
JST classification  (1): 生物科学一般 (EA)
Publisher: Plenum
Publication place:New York
Conference name  (33):
  • Tannin Conference, 3rd, Bend, Or., 19980714 - 19980719
  • International Symposium on the Biology of Root Formation and Development, 2nd, Jerusalem, 19960623 - 19960628
  • DOE Workshop on Computational Approaches in Molecular Radiation Biology, Irvine, Calif., 19930426 - 19930429
  • International Symposium on the Biology of Adventitious Root Formation, 1st, Dallas, Tex., 19930418 - 19930422
  • International Conference on Mechanisms of Antimutagenesis and Anticarcinogenesis, Lucca, 19910505 - 19910510
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