J-GLOBAL ID:200909065989925204   JST material number (FULL):K19880412H   JST material number:K19880412

Synthetic Polymeric Membranes

JST material number:
JST material number
Identifier of Material (journals)
ISBN (2): 3-11-010823-2 ,  0-89925-151-X
Material type:Proceedings, Print, zz
Publication frequency: zz
Country of issued:Germany, Federal Republic of(DEU)
Language (1): English(EN)
Editor/ Editing house (3): International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry ,  Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences ,  Prague Inst. of Micromolecular Chemistry
Publisher: de Gruyter, Walter
Publication place:Berlin
Conference name  (1):
  • Microsymposium on Macromolecules, 29th, Prague, 19860707 - 19860710
JST library information (0): Subject to change. Contact us for the latest status.

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