J-GLOBAL ID:200909097194803789   JST material number (FULL):C0382CAJ   JST material number:C0382C

Atmospheric Environment. Part A. General Topics

JST material number:
JST material number
Identifier of Material (journals)
ISSN (1): 0004-6981
Material type:Article, Print, 22a
Publication frequency: 22a
Country of issued:United Kingdom(GBR)
Language (1): English(EN)
JST classification  (1): 環境汚染 (SB)
Publisher: Pergamon
Publication place:Oxford
Conference name  (8):
  • European Monitoring and Evaluation Program Workshop on the Combined Analysis of Measurements and Model Results with Special Emphasis on NOX/VOC/Oxidants, Halifax, 19910916 - 19910920
  • IBERO-AMERICAN Conference on the Atmospheric Environment, CIAMAA 1991/ IACAE 1991, 1st, Santiago de Chile, 19910107 - 19910111
  • International Conference on Atmospheric Sciences and Application to Air Quality, 3rd, Shanghai, 19901015 - 19901019
  • International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, 5th, Toronto, 19900729 - 19900803
  • International Conference on the Generation of Oxidants on Regional and Global Scales, Norwich, 19890703 - 19890707
Previous material name  (1):
  • Atmospheric Environment
Successor material name  (1):
  • Atmospheric Environment
JST library information (0)

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