J-GLOBAL ID:201001006510543499
Update date: Aug. 05, 2022
Takubo Chikako
タクボ チカコ | Takubo Chikako
Affiliation and department:
Nihon University Graduate School of Dentistry
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Research field (1):
Conservative dentistry and endodontics
Research keywords (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
MISC (9):
Takubo C, Yasuda G, Murayama R, Ogura Y, Tonegawa M, Kurokawa H, Miyazaki M. Influence of power density and primer application on polymerization of dual-cured resin cements monitored by ultrasonic measurement. Eur J Oral Sci. 2010. 118. 4. 417-422
山崎さとみ, 瀬戸純子, 島村穣, 田久保周子, 小倉由佳里, 黒川弘康, 宮崎真至. ホワイトニング後の歯面研磨がエナメル質の表面性状に及ぼす影響. 日本歯科保存学雑誌. 2010. 53. 3. 266-273
Motoka Tonegawa, Genta Yasuda, Takubo Chikako, Yukie Tamura, Takeshi Yoshida, Hiroyasu Kurokawa, Masashi Miyazaki. Influence of power density on the setting behaviour of light-cured glass-ionomer cements monitored by ultrasound measurements. JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2009. 37. 7. 535-540
Maeda Toru, Yamamoto Akira, Iwasa Mika, Takubo Chikako, Takamizawa Toshiki, Ando Susumu, Miyazaki Masashi. Self-etching primer systems: changes in dentin bond strength with time. Journal of Oral Science. 2009. 51. 3. 431-436
砂田識敦, 黒川弘康, 田村ゆきえ, 田久保周子, 古賀賢策, 藤井雄介, 宮崎真至, 近藤貢. 圧搾空気の汚染がワンステップ接着システムの歯質接着性に及ぼす影響. 日本歯科保存学雑誌. 2009. 52. 3. 229-236
Lectures and oral presentations (1):
(日本歯科保存学会学術大会 2009)
Association Membership(s) (2):
, 日本歯科保存学会
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